How Tbilisi celebrated Novruz


On the occasion of the celebration of Novruz, the embassies of five countries - Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Turkey held a joint event.

As part of the event, a concert took place, guests were treated to national dishes, and a traditional bonfire was lit.

Chairman of the capital's Sakrebulo Georgy Tkemaladze noted: “Navruz Bayram is a holiday of peace, goodness, hope, which has been celebrated by different peoples of the world for many centuries. We in Tbilisi have a centuries-old history of coexistence of citizens of different nationalities and religions. Congratulations to all our fellow citizens who celebrate this day of Novruz Bayram, I wish you peace and longevity, a peaceful and united Georgia."

Ambassador of Turkmenistan Dovletmyrat Seitmammedov emphasized that Novruz, being a symbol of revival, blossoming and renewal, unites peoples and contributes to the development of trusting relationships. According to him, the event will be another step in strengthening cultural ties, friendship and mutual understanding between countries and peoples." 

Photo: GeorgiaPress

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