The Independence Day of Belarus in Tbilisi


Tbilisi celebrated the Independence Day of Belarus on a large scale, as well as the 80th anniversary of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Republic of Belarus from the Nazi invaders. This year is special for Belarusian-Georgian cooperation. The two countries are celebrating an anniversary – 30 years of establishing diplomatic relations.

The event was attended by heads of diplomatic missions, representatives of a number of government agencies, public organizations and the media, as well as friends and partners of the embassy.

 Belarus is developing and strengthening comprehensive relations with Georgia: in the political, trade and economic, humanitarian and other spheres. According to the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Georgia Anatoly Lis, despite the fact that both states are following their own special path, having their own priorities and prospects, difficulties and problems, cooperation between Belarus and Georgia continues to develop.

Ambassador of Belarus to Georgia Anatoli Lis:

Victory in the Second World War was achieved at the cost of great losses among the Belarusian people. In the Belarusian soil lie the remains of millions of people who not only died on the battlefields, but also were killed in cold blood during the genocide of civilians. 

During World War II, Belarus lost every third of its inhabitants, more than 3 million people. On the territory of Belarus there were about 250 camps for Soviet prisoners of war and 350 places of forced detention of the population. Over 200 settlements shared the tragic fate of Khatyn (they were completely destroyed along with their inhabitants and were not revived after the war).

Our grandfathers and fathers as one stood up to defend the Fatherland. 1.3 million of our compatriots fought in the Red Army.

The partisan movement and the activities of underground organizations in Belarus have no equal in world history in terms of the scale of armed resistance behind enemy lines.

In total, more than 400 thousand partisans and underground fighters were at the forefront of the fight against the Nazis on Belarusian soil. Our “partisan republic” remained unconquered by the occupiers.

The contribution of the Byelorussian SSR to the fight against fascism is recognized by the world community. In 1945, the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic became one of the founding countries and became a member of the United Nations.

Many peoples took part in the liberation of Belarus, among them were about 14 thousand Georgians who gave their lives for the freedom of our country. 9 representatives of Georgia were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for their accomplished feats on the territory of Belarus.

Over a hundred Georgian soldiers took part in the defense of the Brest Fortress. The names of Georgian heroes are immortalized on the slabs of the Brest Hero Fortress memorial complex.

The talented Georgian poet M. Gelovani, who died during the Great Patriotic War during the liberation of Belarus, is buried in a mass grave near Vitebsk.

I want to express my sincere respect to these heroic and selfless people and assure you that the memory of their feat always lives in the heart of the Belarusian people.

Belarus has always valued and valued friends, proven by history, difficult trials and common victories.

This year is special for Belarusian-Georgian cooperation. Our countries are celebrating an anniversary - 30 years of establishing diplomatic relations. Over these years, the dialogue between Belarus and Georgia has not lost the degree of high respect, understanding and trust in each other: Belarusian-Georgian interaction is characterized in a constructive manner in all areas.

We are trying to develop and strengthen the comprehensive development of relations with Georgia in the political, trade, economic, humanitarian and other spheres. Unfortunately, we do not always achieve the desired results lately. Despite the fact that both states are following their own special path, having their own priorities and prospects, difficulties and problems, cooperation between Belarus and Georgia continues to develop.

 It is symbolic that this year, we opened the office of the Honorary Consul in Telavi with the administrative district in Kakheti.

The main task of the Honorary Consul, taking into account his experience and high qualifications, is to support and develop trade and economic relations between our countries and other important issues of bilateral cooperation.

It is pleasant to note that mutual trade between Belarus and Georgia tends to constantly increase. At the end of 2023, our trade turnover, including trade in goods and services, exceeded $200 million. This figure is a record in trade relations between Belarus and Georgia in recent years. This year's statistics also show growth in mutual trade, with both exports from Belarus to Georgia and from Georgia to the Republic of Belarus increasing.

Traditionally, Georgian mineral waters and wines, vegetables and fruits, nuts and, of course, cognac are very popular in Belarus. Sarajishvili cognac has been bottled at the Kristall plant for many years. In turn, Belarusian agricultural machinery, trucks, pharmaceutical products, and furniture have been widely represented on the Georgian market for quite a long time. Belarusian food products occupy their strong niche. A network of branded grocery stores with goods from Belarus is growing in Tbilisi, which confirms their demand among Georgian buyers. And in Belarus, Georgian restaurants are becoming extremely popular, where residents and numerous guests of Belarus enjoy the variety of Georgian cuisine.

We attach great importance to the development of Belarusian-Georgian humanitarian cooperation, wider acquaintance of our peoples with the unique culture and traditions of Belarus and Georgia. Human contacts are the so-called public diplomacy, which creates a bridge of friendship and mutual understanding between our people.

Speaking about the attitude of Belarusians towards Georgia, we can say with confidence that in Belarus they treat Georgia with great love and warmth, respect Georgian traditions and enjoy getting acquainted with Georgian culture, history, and national cuisine.

This is largely facilitated by the lack of visas between our countries and the presence of daily direct flights between Minsk and Tbilisi, Batumi, Kutaisi.

Dear friends!

I am especially pleased that today truly sincere and true friends of Belarus and Georgia have gathered here, who have already done a lot and continue to do to strengthen Belarusian-Georgian relations. Largely thanks to your initiative, help, understanding and support, cooperation between our countries is developing and deepening.

In conclusion, I want to say that Belarus and Georgia are reliable friends, proven by time and history. By joint efforts, we will undoubtedly be able to renew full-fledged interaction in all areas for the benefit of our countries and peoples.

Let me sincerely wish our peoples of Belarus and Georgia peace, tranquility, goodness and prosperity!

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