300th Anniversary of Magtymguly Pyragy


In Tbilisi, as part of the celebration of the anniversary of the outstanding Turkmen poet and thinker Magtymguly Pyragy, the photo exhibition “300th Anniversary of Makhtumkuli Fragi: A View from Georgia”, organized by the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Georgia, was successfully held in the Akhundov House gallery.

The event was attended by heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Georgia, representatives of ministries and departments of Georgia, professional photographers and amateur photographers, cultural and artistic figures, representatives of the scientific intelligentsia, as well as the media. The photo exhibition featured 50 works by Turkmen artists depicting famous events from the life of Magtymguly. The exhibition of paintings took place against the backdrop of Turkmen national music. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan to Georgia Dovletmyrat Seyitmammedov noted that this event will contribute to a wider acquaintance of the world community with the work of Magtymguly Fragi, strengthening friendship and cooperation between the fraternal peoples.

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