Georgian commander of the Iranian army


Imam Qoli Khan Undiladze: A Tribute to Iranian-Georgian Heroes on Persian Gulf Day

On April 29, Iranians commemorate the expulsion of the Portuguese from Iran's southern islands, marking it as the national day of the Persian Gulf. Each year, we honor the courage and contributions of Imam Qoli Khan Undiladze, the Georgian commander of the Iranian army. Governing Fars state in the Safavid Empire, he played a crucial role in ending Portuguese occupation in the Persian Gulf. His father, Allah Vardi Khan Undiladze, initially liberated Bahrain from Portuguese control in 1602. Collaborating with his father, Imam Qoli Khan expelled the Portuguese from Bandar Abbas. In 1622, Shah Abbas reclaimed Qeshm Island from Portuguese hands with British ships present. Imam Qoli Khan negotiated with the British, urging their cooperation with Iranian forces and warning of trade agreements' cancellation unless they refrained from supporting the Portuguese. Under his leadership, the Iranian Army seized the Portuguese fortress on Qeshm Island, leading to the surrender of the garrison on Hormuz Island after a ten-week siege. Imam Qoli Khan's valor not only secured Iran's victory but also strengthened the cultural and historical ties between Iran and Georgia. 

Embassy of Iran in Georgia

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