
"I think children will remember this day by studying history," said Nobel Prize-winning physicist George Thompson. April 12 has forever gone down in history as Cosmonautics Day. A simple guy Yuri Gagarin from the village of Klushino started the era of flights with a man on board. The name of the genius Sergei Korolyov is also connected with Gagarin's flight.

Among the citizens of Georgia there are many who admire the feat of the first cosmonaut of the Earth. Marina Praga has a rare profession for women - an airplane builder. Passion for cosmonautics has become a part of her life. Marina has encyclopedic knowledge in this field. After graduating from the Georgian Polytechnic Institute, she worked as a designer at the Tbilisi Aviation Plant, then as a senior employee of the Institute of Metrology, whose director was her husband Gilari Bakradze, who was at the origin of the movement of Russian compatriots in Georgia. By the way, the ataman of the Center for the Revival of Cossack Communities Bakradze would have turned 90 years old on April 15 this year.

"I was a child when Gagarin flew into space. The news was reported on the radio. It was a great event. We were children, and maybe at that time we did not fully realize the importance of this event. Gagarin was an outstanding man. I became fascinated by space, I read a lot. We had a huge library in our family. I remember reading that Lomonosov as a child knew 66 Constellations, I was so interested in it that I started to study it and I can boast that I know all 88 Constellations", - says Marina Praga. She plans to publish a book of her poems, which will include poems about space.
On the eve of April 12, 1961, the man who led Gagarin's flight into space had insomnia. To this day he had been walking for years. He developed the world's first intercontinental ballistic missile and launched the first artificial satellite.
During his lifetime his name was classified and his newspaper articles were published under a pseudonym. As a young man, he also earned a living by selling newspapers. He would get up at five in the morning, run to the editorial office, and then deliver newspapers. Seryozha Korolyov could hardly imagine that years later he would become the first Chief Designer of rocket and space technology of the USSR, and newspapers would write about him as the discoverer of the space age of the universe.

SpaceX founder Ilon Musk does not hide his admiration for the personality of Sergei Korolyov: "He was great. The largest conference room in the company's office is named after Korolyov. Musk personally invited Korolyov's grandson Andrey to the SpaceX plant and noted that the achievements of his corporation are based on the shoulders of titans, including Korolyov.


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