Enterprise Georgia launches new programme

Enterprise Georgia had launched a new programme aiming to finance export-oriented domestic companies’ participation in international fairs. The agency would give the companies an opportunity to select events they would like to feature in, and also enable them to increase their export potential and expand connections with international partners.

The new programme allowed entrepreneurs to choose countries and fairs, with the agency reimbursing up to 90% of their expenses through a grant, including costs of space rental, standard stands and registration for the events within the limit of USD 5,000, EUR or British pounds”, - said Mikheil Khidureli, Director of the agency.

The programme would cover all strategic markets, including European Union countries, the US, Asia and parts of Africa. Each company would be able to use financing simultaneously or in stages throughout a year.

About 200 domestic companies co-financed by the agency have participated in large-scale international fairs to showcase their products including food, beverage, leather, clothing, toys, packaging materials and animal feeding.

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