
The World Youth Festival ended in Sochi, where a delegation from Georgia, led by Dmitry Lortkipanidze, also took part. Almost all countries of the world were represented at #WYF2024. 
In a conversation with the journalist of "AiF-Tbilisi" the head of the Georgian-Russian Public Center named after E. Primakov Dimytri  Lortkipanidze noted: that the festival has several dimensions, both geopolitical and social-humanitarian, the scale of which has no analogues in the world! "Imagine only, 20 thousand participants from all over the world gathered in Sochi for a dialogue in the name of the future, a thousand specialists from different industries and spheres of activity, for a week discussed on different platforms organized in Sirius, the city of the future of youth. All this was connected with the hope of forming a more just world, in which Georgia, as an ancient civilization and a sovereign state, will be represented in the most dignified way!" - said Lortkipanidze.

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